
Did you know that every year, tens of thousands of people get treatment at inpatient mental health facilities in Florida? Needing mental health support is completely normal, but a problem arises when people don’t get professional help or receive insufficient care. In these circumstances, unresolved mental illness can have disastrous consequences, which makes picking the right inpatient mental health facility in Florida incredibly important.

So how do you do it? Keep reading for a comprehensive look at how a state-licensed mental health center can help you gain control over your mental health and wellbeing.

Who Needs Inpatient Mental Health Treatment?

Who Needs Inpatient Mental Health Treatment

If you’re looking for inpatient mental health facilities in Florida, then there’s a good chance that you’re at a place where inpatient mental health care is right for you. This is especially true if you’ve already been diagnosed with a mental health condition like depression or anxiety. But how can you be sure, especially without a diagnosis? There are a few warning signs that can confirm whether or not inpatient care is what’s right for you.

Some of the most common signs of needing a mental health treatment center are:

  • Inability to take care of yourself (keeping yourself fed, clean, etc.)
  • Thoughts of harming yourself or others
  • Difficulty eating
  • Sleep disturbances, either too much or too little
  • Feeling isolated from your loved ones
  • Hearing or seeing things that aren’t there
  • Intense feelings of worry or paranoia

If you think that you may need an inpatient mental health facility in Florida and you display any of the above signs, it’s a good idea to reach out for mental health support.

But not all inpatient mental health facilities in Florida are equal. And to get the most out of your mental health treatment, it’s important to find programs that match your unique situation and needs.

Choosing Between Inpatient Mental Health Facilities in Florida

Mental health is a complex, multi-faceted issue. That’s why you need mental health services that treat mental illness as a whole through a variety of evidence-based programs and therapies.

At The Willough at Naples, we offer a variety of mental health programs. For people dealing only with a mental health issue, our adult psychiatric program can provide the inpatient mental health support that you need. Alternatively, our dual diagnosis program addresses both mental health issues and co-occurring substance use disorders.

Whichever inpatient mental health program you choose, our evidence-based therapies will make all the difference in your recovery. Below, we’ll give an overview of our proven mental health therapies and explain how they can help you.

1. Group Mental Health Therapy

Group Mental Health Therapy

Group talk therapy is a cornerstone of our mental health recovery model. With this therapeutic treatment, you can come together in group sessions to discuss shared issues with other people living with mental health issues. And since these sessions are guided by a mental health expert, you benefit both from group support and professional input.

In this way, you’ll develop essential mental health coping skills. These will help you learn to manage mental illness symptoms without letting them interfere with your day-to-day life. Moreover, group support can help you identify patterns in mental illness to help you lead a better, healthier life.

2. Recreational Therapy

To help you manage and minimize your mental illness symptoms, our inpatient mental health facility in Florida provides recreational therapy. By getting active and engaging with other people in recovery, you can work on key social skills that make it easier to connect with others. And physical activity has a proven positive impact on mental health, which can reduce the severity of your symptoms.

The Willough at Naples offers a variety of physical and social activities for recreational therapy, including:

  • Aquatic therapy in our sun-bathed pool, which is a gentle way to achieve aerobic exercise without putting stress on joints
  • Volleyball to engage both physical activity and the development of teamwork skills
  • Arts and crafts activities to work on fine motor skills and creativity
  • Board games to have fun while encouraging casual, enjoyable conversations with other people working on mental health recovery

3. Medication Management

There is a popular misconception that attending inpatient mental health treatment immediately means that you’ll be forced to take pills. But nothing could be further from the truth. At our inpatient mental health facility in Florida, all medications are taken on a voluntary basis. And with our medication evaluation and management services, you can make the decision that’s right for you.

With this treatment option, you will undergo a health evaluation to determine how any existing medications are affecting your mental health and how new ones could improve your symptoms. Then, with supervision and support from our highly skilled nursing staff, you can begin your new medication regimen and share how you’re feeling to receive adjustments until you have the perfect program for you.

4. Mental Illness Education

Oftentimes, it can be hard to tell what’s a typical thought vs a mental illness symptom. And that’s why we provide mental health education to help individuals learn more about the mental health conditions that they’re living with.

In most cases, there is no way to completely get rid of a mental illness. But with education and other helpful resources, you can learn to recognize signs of mental illness and react accordingly without letting them take over your life.

5. Relapse Prevention Planning (for Dual Diagnosis)

In our inpatient dual diagnosis program in Florida, we provide relapse prevention planning. This therapeutic technique allows you to work with an addiction treatment specialist to develop a plan for what to do when you feel the urge to relapse.

Because sooner or later, almost everyone quitting drugs and alcohol will want to relapse. This is especially true among people who have both substance abuse issues and a mental health condition. But with proper planning, you can stay on the wagon even when things seem at their darkest.

Get Mental Illness Support in Naples, Florida

It can be daunting to choose between inpatient mental health facilities in Florida. But The Willough at Naples is here and ready to help you regain control over your life and your mental health. With inpatient programs available for both mental health issues and dual diagnosis concerns, our individualized treatment programs can be tailored to your unique needs.

Would you like to learn more about how we can help you with your mental health struggles? Call our friendly admissions team at (239) 688-3063 or submit your questions online. With an inpatient mental health center in Florida on your side, there is no reason that you cannot get your mental health back on the right track.

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